If you're trying to maintain a climate-controlled greenhouse and have been finding it challenging, you've come to the right place. Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about greenhouse temperature control and why it could make or break your yield.
What Is the Ideal Greenhouse Temperature?
This base range typically sits at around 80 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit (27 to 29 degrees Celsius). Maintaining the ideal temperature in your greenhouse will promote good plant performance. Good performance means healthier and more nutritious fruits and vegetables.
Temperature and Humidity Are Not Exclusive
When you change the temperature, you also change the humidity, and vice versa. Yet, while they are linked, an increased amount of one or the other can have different effects on your plants. With high levels of humidity come pests and diseases. To mitigate these effects, we must monitor and manage our systems with a firm hand.
Our Tips for Greenhouse Temperature Control
Perhaps you’re searching for your ideal greenhouse humidity or trying to maintain good airflow (and struggling)? We guarantee there is something in your grow space that is stalling your process. Finding what it is can be tricky, but solving the problem? That’s the easy part.
1. Ensure Accurate Readings
The ideal place to start if you're having issues with temperature is to make sure your temperature measurements are correct. If the data you're using doesn't correspond with what's actually happening in the growing area, you can't respond and act accordingly.
We should also keep sensors away from any heating or cooling equipment that could interfere with results. Ideally, sensors and thermometers should be level with the top of the plant canopy for the best temperature readings.
2. Effective Systems for Heating and Cooling Are Essential
A major component to successful year-round growth is ensuring we have properly sized our heating and cooling equipment for the location. We can start by calculating the surface area of the building, which is then used to estimate the heating requirements of a greenhouse.
You could always enlist the help of an industry professional, who can build a specialized heating system based on your individual needs. And, as expensive as they may be right off the bat, more efficient heating equipment will save you money and heartache in the long run.
3. Use Smart Controllers
With all the technology involved in grow room temperature regulation, it can be difficult to keep track of everything. Smart controllers provide farmers and growers an easy alternative to temperature management because they automatically regulate the growth environment.
4. Ensure Your HVAC System Is Properly Sized
Sizing your greenhouse HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) system accurately is a crucial factor in accommodating any heating and cooling loads you may have. Our aim is to get the most plant density out of each area and to do this, we need air circulation and dehumidification.
Measure out your space and install the right equipment as needed. If it's blazing outside, you want to keep your internal climate cool, or at the very least, controlled.
5. Consider Horizontal Air Flow
Similarly, being able to efficiently cool a grow room or greenhouse, even on the warmest summer days, boosts crop development and yields. We know that taking control of air movement is one of the most effective techniques we have for controlling the temperature of the surrounding air.
It's a delicate balance, and one that is going to take some trial and error, so don't be discouraged if it doesn't immediately work.
6. Incorporate Shade Curtains Into Your Greenhouse
During high-light and high-temperature months, use greenhouse shade control tools, or shade drapes. Shade curtains block 30 to 50% of light and should be closed during the day's brightest and hottest hours.
7. Ensure Proper Ventilation
Open the doors and windows of your greenhouse during the hot summer months to allow for natural ventilation. You can also roll up the walls of a hoop house to let warm air out.
Some greenhouses have hinged roofs that open, allowing air to circulate freely. You could also opt for an open-roof greenhouse or one with sidewalls that can be readily opened as needed.
8. Opt For a Wet Wall Method
A wet wall is a cooling system that pumps water through the wall, and a fan that cools the water that has evaporated. You'll need to keep an eye on the humidity levels if you use this strategy, as they can be prone to rising. Cut off the water supply to the wet wall as soon as the moisture in the air rises.
9. Populate Your Greenhouse
A greenhouse full of plants produces a natural evaporative cooling effect, so fill your greenhouse up! Filling the greenhouse with as much soil and as many plants as the space allows will increase the overall thermal mass of the greenhouse.
Because hay holds so much water, it will help regulate the internal temperature of your greenhouse.
10. Use Heat Mats Where Necessary
Heat mats are ideal if you're trying to germinate or cultivate seeds and young plants. They raise the temperature of the soil, thus preventing it from getting too cold, which could kill or damage your plants.