Shade Cloth for Plants, Tough and Durable Shade Fabric, Garden Shade Cloth
Shade Cloth is an important product for any grower. Shade fabric provides UV protection for your plants, improves ventilation, reduces water requirements, and helps moderate greenhouse temperatures.
Our shade cloth for plants comes in different colors and percentages. The percentage listed is a light diffusion percentage. The amount of light diffusion necessary is based on the type of plant and the climate that you are growing in.
35-50% shade fabric is a great option for plants. Our 60% and higher shade fabric provides the optimal amount of light diffusion for light sensitive plants. 75% and higher is used to protect people, plants or animals from the intense sun, such as using shade cloth for a patio.
We carry five different colors of Shade cloth which are: Black, Green, White, Gray, and Tan. We also carry Rectangle and Triangle Shade Sails for Backyard Enjoyment and UV Protection.
Shade fabric can be added to any structure. The edges of our shade fabrics are unhemmed, giving you the freedom to use our product any way you need. We offer shade fabric clips that are easy to install for any application.
Hemmed & Grommeted Shade Cloth
Shade Cloth by Percentage
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What is Shade Cloth?
Shade cloth is a lightweight netting made from low-density polyethylene and designed to block a certain amount of sunlight. We offer shade fabric for plants in 35% - 80%. Shade fabric allows air flow, it can store and release heat quickly - allowing your plants to stay cool. The perfect shade covering for plants!
What Does the Percentage Mean for Shade Cloth?
The shade fabric percentage is the amount of light that the particular shade fabric will block. The higher the percentage, the more light the shade fabric will block. 30-50% shade fabric is commonly used in the garden or greenhouse to protect seedlings, plants that favor shade, or vegetables and fruits. 75% and higher is used to protect people plants or animals from the intense sun, such as using shade cloth for plants or for a patio.
What Color Shade Fabric Do You Carry?
Our shade fabric comes in both Black, Green, White, Gray, and Tan with varying light blocking percentages. The color of shade fabric does not change the amount of light it will block or how much heat will get through to your plants.
Can I Use Shade Fabric For My Greenhouse?
Yes! Shade fabric can be used as a covering for a greenhouse. Shade fabric will help protect plants from the sun and it won't prevent any water from getting through to your plants.
What Percentage Shade Fabric Should I Use For My Plants?
The best shade fabric for plants is 30-60%. Any higher will likely block too much sun and stunt the growth of your plants. Before purchasing and installing any shade netting, it is always best to do some research on the particular plants that you have to understand their requirements.
How is Shade Cloth Sold?
We offer a wide range of widths and lengths for all of our shade cloth. If you have a custom or bulk order, please contact us. Smaller sizes may be shipped folded, while larger shade cloth sizes will be sent as a roll.
Woven VS. Knitted Shade Fabric
Farm Plastic Supply carries knitted shade fabric for plants. Knitted shade material is a much more lightweight and durable shade fabric than woven shade material. Both woven and knitted shade fabric will work for reducing sunlight, but our knitted material works better to keep plants from overheating due to its heat dissipation attributes.
Is Shade Cloth Waterproof?
Yes, shade cloth is waterproof. Water or moisture will not damage the shade fabric material. While shade fabric is waterproof, it will not block water from reaching your plants, giving you the benefit of permeability while still blocking harsh sunlight.
What Is The Purpose Of Shade Cloth ?
Shade Cloth not only provides UV Protection, but it also helps to keep your greenhouse cool, improves plant ventilation, and reduces water usage. Plants can reduce the amount of excess light energy that they are absorbing, which leads to cell damage and often sunburn.
How Do I Install Shade Fabric?
Our shade fabric is easy to install with clips or grommets. The edges of our shade netting are unhemmed, giving you the freedom to use the shade fabric any way that you want. Shade fabric can be added to a greenhouse, hoop house, used as a patio covering, and more!
See Also:
4 Year UV Resistant Clear Greenhouse Plastic
4 Year UV Resistant White Greenhouse Film
100% Blackout Greenhouse Plastic Sheeting
3.2oz Landscaping Fabric/Weed Barrier
Benefits Of Using Shade Cloth For Plants
Shade cloth is mainly utilized to reduce the amount of sunlight and heat that your plants get. This helps to reduce heat stress during the sunny and hot summer months. In some climates, you may need to use shade fabric for plants all year.
How Much Will Shade Cloth Reduce Temperature?
While the percentage will tell you how much light the greenhouse shade cloth will block, it does not tell you how much it well reduce the temperature. Air flow and humidity will play a role in determining how much temperature is reduced. A 30-50% shade fabric used on a greenhouse with good ventilation can lower temperatures by at least 10 degrees Fahrenheit.
What Are Shade Sails And How Can I Use Them?
Shade Sails can be used for UV Protection and extra shade. They can be used as a canopy, patio blind, or awning. They can provide good sun shade and help you get the most from your outdoor areas. They will protect people from harsh UV Rays and sunburn.
What Color, Size, Percentage, And Shape Do You Carry In Shade Sails?
Our Shade Sails come in Green, Black, Brown, and Tan. They all come in 90% Light Blockage. When it comes to Size and Shape Our Black, Brown, Tan, and Green Shade Sails come in 6ft' x 12ft' Rectangles, while Tan also comes in a 12ft' x 12ft' x 12ft' Triangle. They are all Grommeted and can be hung in many different places.