Orange Tree - Growing Tips, Care & Maintenance

Orange Tree - Growing Tips, Care & Maintenance

When most people think of oranges, they think of the fruit that is commercially available in grocery stores. What many people don't know, however, is that it's possible to grow your own orange tree from a seed. By following a few simple steps, you can start growing your own orange tree and enjoy fresh oranges right from your backyard!

Orange Tree Types & Varieties

There are many types and varieties of orange trees, but they all have one things in common: delicious fruit. Depending on the variety, an orange tree can grow anywhere from 6 to 25 feet tall. They come in both dwarf and standard sizes, and some varieties are even cold-hardy enough to grow in colder climates. Read on to learn more.

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Valencia Orange

The Valencia orange is the most popular type of orange in the world. It is named after the Spanish city of Valencia, where it was first cultivated. Valencia oranges are large and have a deep orange color. They are also very juicy and have a sweet flavor.

Navel Orange

The navel orange is another popular type of orange. It gets its name from the small “navel” that forms at the bottom of the fruit. Navel oranges are smaller than Valencia oranges and have a lighter color. They are also less juicy and have a slightly tart flavor.

Blood Orange

Blood oranges get their name from their deep red color. They are smaller than other types of oranges and have a slightly bitter flavor. Blood oranges are native to Italy and are often used in Italian cuisine.

Mandarin Orange

Mandarin oranges are small, round oranges that have a thin skin. They are very sweet and often used in Chinese cuisine. Mandarin oranges are also known as tangerines or satsumas.

Clementine Orange

Clementine oranges are a type of mandarin orange that is grown in Algeria and Morocco. They are small and oval-shaped with a deep orange color. Clementine oranges are very sweet and often used in desserts or as a snack food.

Growing Conditions For Orange Trees

Light & Temperature

Orange trees require ample sunlight, so they should be kept in a location with plenty of natural light. A bright spot indoors near a south-facing window may suffice during the colder months, while an outdoor spot is best for the remainder of the year. 

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The ideal temperature range for orange trees is between 65 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and no lower than 55 degrees at night. Additionally, these plants appreciate warmth, so when temperatures fall into the 40s or below, it's important to bring them indoors until weather warms up again.


If you are looking for success in the cultivation of an orange tree, it is essential to understand their soil and pH requirements. The ideal soil will be well-draining, fertile, and slightly acidic; a pH level ranging between 6.0 and 7.5 is best. 

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Orange trees also appreciate regular moisture, particularly during their flowering and fruiting periods in early spring and summer. It's important to monitor your tree's soil constantly to ensure that it contains the correct nutrients—adding supplements as needed. 

With just a little bit of patience and TLC, providing your orange tree with the right environment ensures healthy growth and abundant harvests of delicious fruit!


Depending on the type of soil in your garden, orange trees may need between 1 to 2 inches of water per week, provided either through rainfall or manual watering. Keep an eye on the moisture in your orange tree's roots so they don't become over-hydrated or depleted. Too much or too little water can both lead to yellowing leaves and stunted growth.

Nutrients & Fertilizer

For an orange tree to flourish, it is essential to give it the proper nutrients and fertilizers. An orange tree needs nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium for healthy growth, as well as additional trace minerals such as iron and magnesium. The best way to meet all these needs is through a balanced fertilizer, such as one specifically designed for citrus trees. 

The fertilizer should be applied according to the instructions on the package, but generally speaking it should be spread over the root zone in early spring when the tree begins actively growing again after winter. In addition, it's important not to over-fertilize because too much of a good thing can have adverse effects on both the soil and the tree's health.

How To Grow An Orange Tree From Seed

Did you know that you can actually plant an orange tree from a seed? It's true! All you need is a few supplies and some patience, and you'll be on your way to growing your own orange tree. Keep reading for instructions on how to plant an orange tree from seed.

Start With A Fresh Orange

You can use a store-bought orange, but it's best to start with one that you've grown yourself. If you're not sure how to tell if an orange is fresh, look for one that is heavy for its size and has a bright, uniform color. Avoid oranges that are bruised or have any mold on them.

Remove The Seeds

The seeds are typically found in the center of the orange, surrounded by the pith. Carefully remove the seeds from the orange, taking care not to damage them. You should be able to get at least 3-4 seeds from a single orange.

Soak The Seeds Overnight

Place the seeds in a bowl or jar of water and let them soak overnight. This will help to soften the hard outer shell of the seed and make it easier for the tree to sprout.

Plant The Seeds

Fill a small pot or container with potting soil and make a small hole in the center of each one. Drop a seed into each hole and then lightly cover them with more soil. Water the soil until it is moist but not soggy.

Watch Your Orange Tree Grow

Orange trees need full sun to thrive, so place your pot in a spot that gets at least 6 hours of direct sunlight each day. Keep an eye on your soil and water as needed to keep it moist but not soggy. In 4-6 weeks, you should see your first sprouts!

How Long Does It Take For Orange Trees To Grow?

The answer to how long it takes for orange trees to grow depends on the variety; however, many varieties start producing fruit in one to four years with most bearing fruit between three and six years.

 A young tree will reach full size within six or seven years and can remain productive for up to 50 years or even longer. Plants grown from seeds tend to take longer, as much as 10 years or more before they start bearing fruit. 

If you are looking for fast results, consider planting a smaller tree which is 1-2 years old or select a grafted plant that is around 2-3 feet tall and ready to be planted into your garden.

Orange Tree Pruning & Maintenance

With proper pruning and maintenance, an orange tree can be sustained for decades. The optimal time for pruning is just after producing oranges; this promotes vigorous new growth that will drive the flowering process come the next spring. 

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Prune selectively, ensuring only dead or diseased branches are removed, as well as those that may damage one another during windy days. All remaining branches should be trimmed up to 8 feet from the ground; this allows for essential sunlight penetration and airflow. 

Fertilizing your orange tree annually with a citrus-specific fertilizer helps its roots absorb nutrients quickly and efficiently result in strong growth leading to happy fruit production. With regular pruning, fertilization, and adequate water and sunlight exposure, your orange tree will carry on flourishing for many years to come!

Harvesting Orange Trees

If the oranges are ripe, it's time to get picking! To start, assess when each orange is ripe by checking the color and texture of the skin - oranges typically ripen during autumn and winter months. Wear clothes that you don't mind getting dirty and use a ladder to reach the  top of the tree. 

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Use both hands to pick oranges straight off the branches, being careful not to pull any leaves off in the process. Make sure to place your harvested oranges in a container or basket so they don't get bruised. Once you've collected all your delicious citrus fruit, move them into an area away from direct sunlight so they stay nice and juicy!


Orange storage is an important part of make sure your fruits last longer. When storing oranges, the ideal temperature should remain between 44-54 degrees Fahrenheit. Place your oranges in a cool, dry place that doesn't get too much direct sunlight or heat. 

To allow air to flow, it's best to keep oranges in an open container such as a basket or canvas bag. You can also wrap individual oranges in newspaper or tissue paper before placing them in the container or bag. 

Additionally, avoid stacking oranges - instead spread them out evenly so they don't rub against each other and bruise easily. With proper orange storage, you can extend their lifespan and keep them fresh for weeks!

Common Orange Tree Pests & Diseases


Orange trees need to be monitored for pests that can damage their fruit. Common pests are aphids, mites, leaf miners, earwigs and scales which can all affect the health of the tree. Organic solutions for these problems include the use of natural predators such as ladybugs near the tree to keep the bark clean from aphids or introducing a spray with neem oil and citrus oil on young leaves to protect from mites. 

Problems like earwigs or leaf miners can be treated manually by removing them from infested branches and sterilizing pruning shears between cuts. Solutions related to scale insects involve spraying insecticidal soap every week for three weeks. Taking preventive measures can help avoid major problems on your orange tree and help it grow healthy organic fruits.


Orange tree disease is one of the most common dilemmas gardeners face. A number of conditions can cause orange tree disease, including citrus greening and blight. Citrus greening is caused by a bacterial infection and limits the trees ability to produce healthy fruit. Blight is an airborne bacteria that spreads from plant to plant and will destroy entire groves if left unchecked. 

Thankfully, there are treatments for both diseases and ways to prevent them in the first place such as keeping the trees free from pests, fertilizing throughout the year, pruning at specific times, providing adequate water drainage and sunlight, and using mulch around the roots. Taking these steps now could save you time and money in the long run.

Review: How To Grow Your Own Orange Tree

Orange trees are tropical and subtropical plants that thrive in warm weather, making them a popular addition to many gardens around the world. Proper care is essential for successful orange tree growth, beginning with the selection of a site that provides full sun and well-draining soil to ensure your tree receives adequate amounts of sunlight and moisture. 

For optimal growth, fertilizing during the growing season with a nutrient-rich fertilizer can be highly beneficial. Regular pruning helps develop strong branches and encourage fruit production; however, it is important to prune correctly to achieve desired results as each variety requires different pruning techniques. 

Lastly, water your orange tree on a regular basis so it can spread deep roots within its environment. With careful consideration and thoughtful care, orange trees provide gardeners with beautiful blossoms and sweet-tasting fruits each season!

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