Magnolia Flowers - Growing Tips, Care & Maintenance

Magnolia Flowers - Growing Tips, Care & Maintenance

If you’re looking for an eye-catching sight in your garden, it doesn't get better than the lush petals of a magnolia flower. From their delightful scent to their exquisite beauty, this flower variety has been delighting gardeners across the world for centuries. 

But before you decide that these magnificent blooms are right for your landscape, there are some important things to keep in mind about growing and caring for these lovely flowers — from planting tips to maintenance guidelines! Read on as we explore everything you need to know about magnificent magnolias.

Magnolia Flower Characteristics

The Magnolia flower is a remarkable symbol of beauty and strength, with its vibrant petals that grace the trees in many parts of the world. Known for its delicate yet resilient nature, the Magnolia is typically characterized by soft creamy-white in color, but can also be found in shades of pink. 

In terms of size, most Magnolias range between 4-10 inches across with blooms ranging from single cups to saucer-shaped flowers. Magnolia blooms also have an exceedingly long lifespan and will often maintain their shape and vivid coloring for up to 5 days once cut. It's no wonder why the magnolia continues to reign supreme as a beloved flower today!

Magnolia Tree Types & Varieties

The Southern Magnolia

The southern magnolia is the most common variety of magnolia tree and is the state tree of Louisiana. The tree can grow to be over 80 feet tall and has large, white flowers that bloom in the spring and summer. The leaves of the southern magnolia are evergreen, meaning they stay green all year long.

The Sweetbay Magnolia

The sweetbay magnolia is a smaller variety of magnolia tree that grows to be about 40 feet tall. The tree has small, white flowers that bloom in the spring and summer. The leaves of the sweetbay magnolia are also evergreen.

The Bigleaf Magnolia

The bigleaf magnolia is a large variety of magnolia tree that can grow to be over 100 feet tall. The tree has large, white flowers that bloom in the spring and summer. The leaves of the bigleaf magnolia are deciduous, meaning they fall off the tree in the fall.

The Cucumbertree Magnolia

The cucumbertree magnolia is a large variety of magnolia tree that can grow to be over 80 feet tall. The tree has large, greenish-yellow flowers that bloom in the spring and summer. The leaves of the cucumbertree magnolia are deciduous.

Growing Conditions For Magnolia Flowers

Light & Temperature

In order to achieve its fullest blooming potential, magnolias should be subjected to full sunlight that is not too intense – preferably 6-7 hours a day – as well as temperatures ranging between 65-75°F during the day and no lower than 55-60°F at night. Neglecting these requirements can cause the flowers to bloom prematurely or slowly lose their blooming power.


The magnolia flower has quite simple soil and ph requirements that make it an easy flowering plant to care for. They prefer a well-draining loamy soil with a pH range between 5.0 and 6.5; in general, you want the soil to be slightly acidic for your magnolia blossoms to thrive. 

Additionally, maintaining regular moisture levels is essential for good growth and blooming of this lovely flower - you can water regularly but avoid letting the root area become saturated with too much water. 


Keeping the magnolia flower happy and healthy requires adequate watering. This flowering shrub, which often decorates yards around North America and Asia with beautiful white, purple, and pink blossoms, needs to be kept moist in order to bloom each year. 

While a good soaking once or twice per week should suffice in most environments, it's important to adjust your schedule based on the local climate. 

If you live in an area prone to extreme temperatures or low rainfall, you may need to water your magnolias as often as three times a week. Additionally, moisture meters and soil tests can help you gain better insight into your magnolia's hydration levels.

Nutrients & Fertilizer

While the magnolia flowers are beautiful, growing and tending to these magnificent flowers require knowledge of their nutrient and fertilizer requirements. For optimal growth and flowering, magnolias need plenty of phosphorus and iron. 

Excess nitrogen can lead to an overabundance of leaves at the expense of flower production, so typically lower levels are desired for these trees. In addition to proper soil pH levels ideally between 5-7, adequate drainage is also essential. 

Fertilizer should be applied annually with a slow release organic product suggested to provide the necessary nutrients without any excess effects. 

How To Plant & Grow Magnolia Flowers

Choose A Location

When choosing a location for your magnolia tree, make sure to select an area that gets plenty of sunlight and has well-drained soil. Magnolia trees will not do well in shady areas or in soil that is too wet.

Prepare The Soil

Before planting your magnolia tree, you will need to prepare the soil. You can do this by adding organic matter such as compost or peat moss to the area. This will help to improve drainage and make the soil more acidic, which is ideal for magnolia trees.

Dig A Hole

Once you have prepared the soil, you will need to dig a hole that is twice the width of the tree’s root ball and just as deep. Be sure to loosen the sides of the hole so that the roots can easily spread out when planting.

Plant The Tree

To plant the magnolia tree, simply place it in the hole and backfill with soil. Once planted, water the tree deeply to help settle the roots into place.

Mulch & Water Regularly

Once your magnolia tree is planted, be sure to mulch around the base of the tree and water it regularly. This will help to keep the roots cool and moist, which is essential for proper growth.

Magnolia Flower Care & Maintenance

Taking proper care of magnolia flowers is necessary for keeping them healthy and vibrant. Watering should be done regularly to keep the soil moist but be careful not to overwater, as that can damage the flower's roots. 

Pruning and deadheading are key steps in magnolia flower maintenance because they will help promote healthy growth by stimulating new flower buds. Adequate sunlight is also essential, so position plants where they get adequate morning or afternoon sun with some shade during the hottest parts of the day. 

When fertilizing the flowers, select a formula specifically designed for potted plants and make sure to apply it according to package directions. Lastly, inspect your magnolia plants regularly for pests such as aphids or scale insects - if found, treat with an appropriate insecticide promptly. With a little planning, your magnolia flowers should remain beautiful and colorful all year long!

Common Pests & Diseases


 Common magnolia pests include mealybugs, scales, borers, and various other insects. Mealybugs attack the flowers while scales pierce into the bark and suck the sap from the plant. Borers typically create a path through young wood as they eat their way through. 

To protect magnolias from pests, homeowners and commercial properties must employ preventative measures like frequent inspection of branches and stems for signs of damage and insect clusters. 

Fertilize regularly using an appropriate fertilizer to ensure optimal growth health. Prune dead or diseased branches immediately when spotted to stop spreading pest infestations. Finally, opt for insecticides if needed, but avoid those that contain large amounts of copper as it can be toxic to plants. 

Plant Disease

Magnolia flowers are beautiful, but unfortunately, their beauty can be compromised by diseases. Fungal infections like powdery mildew and a bacterial disease known as dieback are the two most common illnesses that afflict these blooming plants. 

Fortunately, there is a remedy for these diseases: proper sanitation and protecting the plant from being waterlogged will help prevent them. Additionally, using fungicides to treat any existing infection is strongly recommended, as well as planted preventive treatments made of sulfur or copper. 


The magnolia flower is a stunningly beautiful ornamental tree with broad green leaves and vibrant white blooms. Although most commonly seen in Southern climates, the magnolia actually grows in a range of different temperatures, from warm tropical zones to chilly Northern regions - it just needs some extra TLC if you live in an area with cold winters. 

To get your own magnolia growing steadily and successfully, make sure to keep it hydrated and well drained, give it plenty of sunlight and fertilizer, and prune away any dead branches. 

It's important to note however that mature trees require very little maintenance - perfect for busy gardeners! With proper care, these gorgeous flowers will be sure to delight for many years.