Light Deprivation Dura-Skrim

If you are looking for the best in Total Blackout for light deprivation, Farm Plastic Supply's 8 mil "Dura Skrim" Total Blackout greenhouse plastic is the product for you. For those who are looking for the top of the line blackout greenhouse cover, our 4 layer, 8 mil Dura Skrim film trumps all other products for strength. This total blackout greenhouse plastic is commonly used by customers who have automated mechanisms blacking out their greenhouse while force blooming. The Dura Skrim is like a netting that will limit the stretch of the plastic. 

As you can see from the info-graphic above, this product has it all. Dura Skrim contains Vulcan P and carbon black for Total darkness for light deprivation, tough scrim fibers with a melted poly bond and a UV protected Ultra-White layer. This proven light deprivation film is the choice of many who have mechanisms to cover their automatic greenhouses and for those who want nothing but the best. Many item are available in stock and ready for next day shipping. We also uniquely cut to length. A variety of widths and lengths are available up to 1000 feet. Feel free to give us a call to check on custom sizes as we have only a few sizes listed. 

Greenhouse Plastic