Turmeric is a tropical herb is used in cooking. The most sought-after part is the root or rhizome. The vivid yellow or orange rhizomes have various medical benefits as an anti-inflammatory and are advised for those with arthritis or other inflammation. They can be used fresh or dried. Turmeric has a rich, earthy flavor that has hints of bitterness.
Turmeric powder can be used as a natural food coloring for Easter eggs or cakes as well as to give curries, rice, and milk a golden hue. Being a member of the same plant family as ginger—Zingiberaceae—and having similar growing circumstances, turmeric is frequently referred to as yellow ginger.
It has culinary origins in addition to being a beautiful plant to have in your garden. The lovely flowers and large glossy foliage give off a tropical vibe. It might not flower for you if your climate is colder than where it is native to, which is Southeast Asia and India.
The blossoms are usually white, but some of them have edible purple or pink tips. Although the flavor of turmeric is modest, the flower petals and light green flower bracts have a powerful aroma. Keep on reading to learn all about how to grow turmeric at home!

Growing Conditions For Turmeric
Light & Temperature
The best conditions for growing turmeric in the garden are full sun, somewhat mild temperatures, and a humid atmosphere. The optimal temperature range for turmeric is between 20 and 30 °C (68–86 °F). It will need afternoon shade and more water when temperatures rise above 90 degrees.
These conditions can be attained outside year-round in Zones 8 and higher. Moving indoors to provide these conditions in the early spring and late fall is necessary to grow turmeric in cooler climates. Rhizomes won't actively develop below 60° (15° C), and turmeric cannot resist freezing temperatures.
Although turmeric enjoys wetness, it is important to provide a loose, well-draining soil. To enable plants to freely spread underground, clay soil will need to be worked and loosened. To lighten the soil, add a lot of aged compost. The drainage of very muddy, wet soils can be improved using perlite. A good packaged potting mix will work well when filling pots.
Water & Humidity
When growing turmeric rhizomes, give them plenty of water but don't let them get too moist or they'll start to rot. The ground ought to feel moist but not squishy. It's essential to find a spot with good drainage. Consistent watering can be achieved by using a slow drip hose or soaker hose.
Keep the same moist but not soggy circumstances after the turmeric plant has sprouted. More water will be required to sustain these conditions because it can be warmer and later in the season. Reduce watering for a week or two as the harvest approaches. It is more likely that the rhizomes will remain whole if you remove them from drier soil.
Nutrients & Fertilizer
Since turmeric requires a lot of food, you should start with a soil mixture high in organic matter and compost. Once the turmeric is growing, feed it periodically throughout the season. Worm castings, organic liquid fertilizer, organic fertilizer in the form of granules, or compost tea are all suitable options. Top up your growing container with high-quality compost if you see it is losing volume.

How Long Does Turmeric Take To Grow?
When grown from rhizomes, it takes about 9-10 months for the plant to mature and produce flowers. Once the flowers have been pollinated, they will produce small, dark-colored fruits that contain the seeds of the plant. The rhizomes can be harvested at any time during the growing season. They can be used fresh, or they can be dried and ground into a powder.
How To Plant & Grow Turmeric From Root
Turmeric is a relatively easy plant to grow at home. Turmeric is best started from rhizomes, which are the thick, underground stems of the plant. These can be purchased from a nursery or online. Follow these steps to start growing your own turmeric at home:
- Choose a healthy turmeric root. Look for one that is plump and has a good amount of flesh. Avoid roots that are shriveled or have any mold on them.
- Fill a pot with well-draining soil. Turmeric does best in sandy loam or loamy soil that is high in organic matter.
- Plant the turmeric root about 2 inches (5 cm) deep in the soil.
- Water the soil regularly, keeping it moist but not soggy.
- Harvest the turmeric when the leaves begin to yellow and die back. This usually happens after about 9-10 months.

Harvesting & Storing Turmeric
When the turmeric plant goes into dormancy, the fresh root can be harvested. The turmeric roots will be at their largest and most flavorful at this time. Your largest gauge is time. At least nine to ten months should have passed since sprouting. Additionally, the outer leaves should begin to turn yellow-brown and wither.
Harvesting is simplified when grown in pots. Turn the pot on its side and gently dump out the contents, combing through with your hand to free rhizomes from the dirt rather than pushing up on the plants.
Rhizomes of turmeric frequently develop side nodules that resemble hands or thumbs. If you pull from the top, they will simply break off. This method of harvesting also avoids the harmful practice of using a tool, which might stab or otherwise harm the rhizomes. To pry up the rhizomes in raised beds or the ground, you can also use a digging fork.
Fresh rhizomes can be carefully cleansed to remove dirt after harvest. You can clip any long, stringy roots with clean shears. You should divide them at the point where the stem and rhizome meet.
Keep fresh turmeric in the refrigerator in an airtight container. It is best to prepare it for use within a few weeks either fresh or in powdered form for long-term storage.
To prepare turmeric powder, cut the turmeric roots into small pieces, then dehydrate them to make turmeric powder. When broken, the pieces ought to snap easily. Utilize a spice grinder, food processor, or blender to grind.

Common Turmeric Pests & Diseases
With a container, you may start with fresh, high-quality potting soil that won't introduce rhizome-damaging lesion worms, burrowing nematodes, shoot borers, or root-knot nematodes. To avoid these pests whether growing in-ground or in raised beds, it is vital to rotate the crops planted each season.
If your plants are weak, pests like aphids or spider mites may find them to be an easy target. Make sure the leaves are not too dry and that the watering conditions are sufficient. Ample nutrient levels and frequent fertilization are required.
Put all of your efforts into fixing the issues that are weakening your turmeric plants. Use insecticidal soap, neem oil, or a powerful hose spray to get rid of aphids or spider mites. Pyrethrin sprays are quite effective at reducing the population during large outbreaks.
Plant Disease
Turmeric plants can be susceptible to disease, especially if they are not watered regularly. One of the most common diseases is Turmeric Leaf Blight, which is caused by a fungi called Curvularia lunata. The symptoms of this disease include brown or black spots on the leaves of the plant, as well as yellowing and wilting of the leaves.
If left untreated, Turmeric Leaf Blight can kill the plant. Another disease that can affect Turmeric plants is root rot, which is caused by a fungi called Rhizoctonia solani. Root rot causes the roots of the plant to rot, and it can eventually kill the plant if it is not treated quickly.
Both of these diseases are unfortunately quite common in Turmeric plants, but there are ways to prevent them. One way to prevent disease in Turmeric plants is to water them regularly and deeply. Watering Turmeric plants once a week should be sufficient, but if you live in an area with high humidity, you may need to water them more often.
It's also important to make sure that the soil around your Turmeric plant drain well so that the roots don't become waterlogged. If you live in an area with high humidity, you may also want to consider growing your Turmeric plants in pots so that you can control their environment more easily.
If you do notice any symptoms of disease in your Turmeric plants, it's important to treat them quickly so that they don't spread to other plants. There are many fungicides available that can treat both Turmeric Leaf Blight and root rot. With proper care and attention, your Turmeric plants will thrive and produce flavorful roots for years to come!

Review: How To Grow Turmeric
Turmeric is a versatile and widely used spice, but it can also be used as a medicinal herb. The roots of the turmeric plant are the part that is most commonly used, but the leaves and stems can also be utilized. Turmeric plants are native to tropical regions of Asia, and they thrive in warm, humid environments.
If you live in an area with a cooler climate, you can grow turmeric indoors. When growing turmeric indoors, it is important to provide the plant with plenty of indirect sunlight and to keep the soil moist but not soggy. Turmeric plants need little maintenance and can be left to their own devices once they are established.
However, if you want to maximize the yield of your crop, you can fertilize the plants every few months using a compost or organic fertilizer. Turmeric is a hardy plant that does not require much care, making it an ideal choice for those who are new to gardening. Follow our guide and you will be on the way to growing your own turmeric in no time!