Growing Tips & Techniques
Grow Your Own Blackberries - Complete Guide & Info
The Rosaceae family is home to a wide variety of delicious plants, including blackberries, raspberry bushes, roses, apple trees, and blackberries themselves. Blackberries, which are closely related to raspberries, are classified as brambles because they typically have thorns, have a thick and tangled growth, and can either stand erect or sprawl. Read more
How To Grow Achiote Plants - Planting, Care, & More
It's possible that you haven't heard of the small ornamental plant known as the annatto or lipstick plant if you haven't done any research on annatto achiote. It's a tropical plant with very peculiar fruit that's used to make food coloring, and it grows in the tropics. Continue reading for more information, including instructions on how to grow an achiote tree. With relative ease, this can be added to your own gardening regimen. Read more
How To Grow Carrots: Planting, Growing Conditions, & Care
Carrot is a common root vegetable (typically orange) used worldwide. Because of its high nutritional value, presence of B-carotene, fiber, antioxidants, minerals, flexibility for processing in many ways, and ability to remain edible even after months of reliable storage in ordinary or refrigerated places, carrot was instantly embraced wherever it appeared after being brought from Iran and Afghanistan. Read more
How To Grow Pecan Trees: Growing Conditions & Care
Pecan trees are only found in the U.S.A., where they are most successful in warm climates with extended growing seasons such as the south. Even just one tree can give enough nuts for a big family and enough shade to make the long, hot summers in the south a little more pleasant. Read more
How To Grow Your Own Mango Tree - Planting, Care, & Harvest
Ripe, succulent mangos exude a lush, tropical perfume and flavor that makes one long for warm beaches and gentle trade winds. Tastes from gardens in warmer zones can be brought indoors by intrepid gardeners. These mango tree maintenance instructions can help you reap the rewards of your efforts in just a few short years if you reside in a tropical or subtropical area. It is no wonder why home gardeners would love to add a delicious mango tree to their own yard. Read more
Pistachio Trees: Complete Growing & Care Guide
Pistachio cultivation is a time-consuming endeavor that calls for persistence. Pistachio plants don't start producing any nuts until they're eight years old, and it takes another ten years before they're ready for harvest. Read more
How To Grow Asparagus: Growing Conditions & Tips
Each spring, asparagus is one of the initial vegetables harvested. The spears of asparagus are delicious, delicate, and crisp. In Minnesota, the asparagus harvesting season lasts for around six to eight weeks, between early May and late June. Asparagus spears can grow up to two inches each day during their height of growth, providing abundant yields for gardeners to enjoy. It is no wonder why anyone would want to add asparagus to their home garden. Read more
How To Grow Mushrooms: A Complete Guide
Mushrooms have a long history of being associated with a wide range of connotations, including those of both friend and foe. The grocery store is a great place for us to obtain mushrooms that are both safe to eat and delicious, but this wasn't always the case. It is no wonder why any home gardener would add mushrooms to their knowledge base. Read more
How To Grow Onions: Planting, Growing, & Care
Growing onions is much simpler than one might expect. They are harvested beginning in the middle of summer and continuing into the fall after being planted early in the spring. Find out how to plant, nurture, and eventually harvest onions. It should come as no surprise that someone who maintains a home garden would have an interest in cultivating this crop. Read more
How To Grow Basil At Home: Planting, Care, & Harvesting
Basil's history dates back 5,000 years, resulting in 150 different cultivars with unique flavors. Sweet basil is common in Italian cuisine while Thai basil, lemon basil, and holy basil are popular in Asian cuisine. Most believe basil originated in India or Asia and came to the Mediterranean via historic spice routes. This herb is easy to grow making it a staple for any home gardener. Read more